Wednesday 5 April 2023

Return to Mt Barney Lower Portals.

 Tuesday 4 April

The stars finally aligned for a return to the Lower Portals of Mt Barney. Three of the Gaiter Girls had hiked this trail in June 2017. I had always wanted to return and explore further along Barney Creek. I was again thwarted by time and terrain in this endeavour, but we all agreed that the day had been brilliant.

In my memory, the previous hike didn't seem like seven years ago. My memory did recall how hot the hike was, even in winter, but alas my memory didn't remind me of how strenuous the trail was. 

Alas, my memory only recalled a hot, reasonably level, but not easy-to-follow trail into Barney Creek. 

I should have believed the reports about the trail that I perused, as I prepared for yesterday's trek. I should have reread my blog post about the 2017 hike. I wouldn't have changed my mind about going, but I wouldn't have been saying all the time, "I think they have moved the track."

The beauty of the hike really only unfolds, after 3 1/2 kms of undulating, bush trail.

Mt Maroon, climbed in July 2021.

LHS - 2017. RHS - 2023. There is significant growth but it's still bent! Or perhaps my memory serves me wrong and I have two different trees!

On reaching Barney Creek, we took our boots off and waded across the refreshingly, chilly stream to the opposite bank, to walk a further 100 m to the spectacular Lower Portals and rock formations.

The final access to the Portal is through this narrow gap. We left our backpacks on the ground and scrambled through.
Photo from 2017.

The view before us was definitely worth the scramble, and unknown to us, an even more difficult scramble was to come, to leave this magnificent spot.

Nature's sculptures.

A short rock hop took us to the edge of the waterhole. It was an impressive sight, surrounded by giant boulders and a taste of Mt Barney, far above.

Time to move on and reach upper Barney Creek for some rock hopping. Not so fast! Seven years on we weren't flexible enough to reverse the narrow gap. We searched for another option. Alas, the only one was straight up the ridge on a faint trail. We made it up high enough to find a safe way back down to the packs.

LHS - Going up. RHS - where we had come from and could now traverse across to an open slope.

Backpacks lifted, we found the track to take us to the top of the ridge and down to upper Barney Creek. The view at the top was impressive.

Mt Barney

Our energy levels had been sapped by the scrambling and hot walk-in, so the consensus of opinion was to head back down to the creek crossing for a swim, before returning to the carpark.

There was even time for some synchronised swimming. I hope you are impressed with our style.

Life is good!

I would love to read your comment.


  1. I envy you, I admire your energy and enthusiasm, and I think you're nutz :) Seriously-- beautiful pictures of this amazing place.

    1. Thank you, Bill. I can take being 'nutz' if I can continue to be out and about on 'crazy' adventures. Must admit though, the knees haven't been hapy since!

  2. I'm sure I learned at school that slopes become flatter over time, but experience has taught me that, as I get older, the terrain gets steeper! Having said that the scenery on your walk is magnificent; I envy your stamina and agility.

    1. Ha, ha! The huffing and puffing certainly becomes more noticeable with age. Those rock pools were definitely worth the effort.

  3. What a wonderful hike. Wish I could have been there with you. That's one I would really enjoy. Funny how the memory plays tricks on details.

    1. Yes, on both accounts. It was a pretty special hike and the memory plays tricks far to often, now.

  4. It looks like a challenging hike but a beauty too. The waterhole was a nice way to cool off on the way back. You are in great shape to be able to do that trek, Helen.

    1. Thank you, Marie. So many more I want to do ,but the body is starting to complain.

  5. What a beautiful hike! I can see why you came back.

    1. AND, I really do want to come back and rock hop along the upper Barney Creek, bipassing the waterholes to get there more quickly.

  6. Impressed... and fascinated by the gorgeous views and rocks. :)
    Happy Easter! 💚

  7. I hope you have a sun-filled day, Sara.

  8. Everything about this hike appeals to me! There is such a variety of terrain with various skills required to make your way along the route. I admire the drive you ladies have to get the job done no matter what. I especially enjoyed watching your swimming video!

  9. I really want to go back and do the rock hopping. It will have to be this year, as sadly I can't see my knee allowing me to do it in another year's time.
