Monday 1 July 2024

Pelican Entertainment

Saturday 29 June

Over the past few weeks the pelicans have been visiting the golf ponds regularly. Sometimes just one or two, but there have been 10 or more. I've already posted numerous images of this huge graceful bird, but alas, there were 16 on the pond closest to our home on Saturday morning, so here I go again.

I was preparing my breakfast just prior to 7am, when I spotted their large numbers. The sun was only just up and the golfers hadn't arrived. I just had to grab my camera and high tail it to the pond's edge and to a safe position for when the golfers did come through.  A magic hour was spent watching them.

Initially I just took video to send to the Grandees, but the longer I stayed the more stills were snapped. 
Below are 2 of the videos. The background birdsong was wonderful to listen to, unlike the loud hum of the M1 traffic, that you will hear. Listen for the splash of water as they dive down each time.

The light on the pond changed as the sun rose higher.

Their feeding is like a ballet on water.

Random shot.

For some, it was time to retire to the bank to preen and catch the warmth of the sun.

This Sunday morning image was taken from our back door.

I'm not sure how many were swimming today, as my morning was extremely busy. It was frustrating not having the time to watch them. The day gradually became overcast and rain has set in. Mid afternoon I was bringing the bin in and spotted a group soaring low overhead. I rushed inside for my camera, but the best view of their motion was gone. The M1 is still roaring. Thankfully we have learnt not to hear it.

Driving home from visiting a friend, I spotted this rare glimpse of autumn.

This wishes you all happy days enjoying nature.

I would love to read your comment.


  1. Great videos and beautiful captures, Helen. I love how they congregated and dive together. A school of fish doesn’t have a chance. The wingspan is huge! We’ve watched them in Florida over the years. Incredible birds! Great post!

  2. How fun to have these pelicans so close to home!

  3. What a wonderful experience to watch those birds. B x

  4. I'd be constantly watching for them! They have different coloring and seem larger than the gray pelicans we see in California. They look prehistoric but are actually so graceful. Good shots!

  5. Loved all the pelican pictures!! And I couldn't see any remnants of a missing golfer! Excellent pictures!

  6. Magical morning moments! It's a luxury to have the time to just watch nature in action.

  7. While we don't have many of the birds you feature on your blog, we do have pelicans. They migrate through in the fall around here. It's a treat to witness all the aspects of animal life and nature, isn't it?

  8. These pelicanes are incredible! Wonderful photos!
