Monday 10 June 2024

Sunny Days

 The week of 3rd June.

Our winter has arrived. Minimum temperatures this week have ranged from 6 C - 10 C and have been staying low until midday, reaching 20 to 22 mid afternoon.  However, a bonus of living in the tropics is  that our winter days are usually gloriously sunny. This week has been no exception. Energy levels have soared beneath stunning blue, crystal clear skies, that give an amazing clarity to every vista.  Playful, pure white, whispy clouds often had me spellbound.

The Hungry Hikers numbered only three this week. Our plan was to view all 24 pieces of street art and murals from the Brisbane Festival, 2024. Alas, although the event is highly publicised, the actual address of each piece still remains a mystery to us. It was a beautiful day to be walking in our wonderful city and 12 kilometres were covered.

Walking passed an art exhibition in an office tower, we were invited in to view. On an art level, this saved the day. 

My favourite pieces.

Felon's Brewery has had all its outside walls painted in murals over the past few years. This year the artists moved inside and painted the ends of the beer kegs. I assume more will be done next year.

We walked through the Botanical Gardens to reach Felons. Hibiscus, the size of plates, were looking spectacular.

Up at 6am one morning, this sunrise spectacle held me spellbound for half an hour.


And in the west!

Friday was F's birthday. We drove to the coast. While F spent time in an Apple store, I drove another 10 mins to relax at the beach. Whilst I had a few layers on, others were relishing the winter warmth.

I settled on the headland and watched the ebb and flow of the gentle waves.

At 1 pm we met F's sister at the Currumbin SLSC, where she had booked us a table with this wonderful view over the crystal clear, calm sea. Only minutes before our meal arrived, the table beside the window became vacant. We were able to move. Unusually, fish could be seen jumping regularly as we ate. 

This was the view on our walk back to the car. In the far distance is Point Danger.

A 20 minute drive saw us at Point Danger. We were to have coffee at the newly opened Black Dingo Cafe with it's 180 degree sea view. Alas it had closed at 3 pm. We arrived at 3.15 pm. Not to worry, I had packed a thermos, tea and coffee just in case. We sat here until the sun was setting, about 5 pm. Bliss!

It was time to head home, but google maps informed us that the 1 hour drive was going to take 2 hours because of severe traffic congestion. Mags was happy for us to visit her unit. Watching the twilght glow was a perfect way to end the day.

Yesterday, Brisbane hosted the 5 km 'Put Your Foot Down Walk' to raise funds for pancreatic cancer. Having lost my dear friend Leslie, to this frightful cancer last year, I walked in her memory. Having particpated in the March Charge cancer fundraiser in March, I was reluctant to ask for further support.  I am so very grateful for those who again supported me to a total of just over $400.

This perfect day to be alive, and amongst so many, also walking in memory of loved ones, had me feeling very emotional, as the walk got underway. Approimately 700 participants raised just over $80 000.

I watched a lovely young woman place these painted rocks on the ground, quite regularly as she walked.

Final 50 metres.

Job done!

A reflective coffee beside the river.

I had intended to take the Citycat ferry back to the railway station, but the river shoreline beckoned me to walk another 7 km.

Yesterday I was awake early and sat up in bed putting this post together. At 6 am, F informed me that the pelicans were back. With no golfers about, I quickly rugged up, grabbed my camera and enjoyed not only these beautiful birds, but also the soft morning glow.

Alas, this post keeps getting longer.  Today we were enjoying lunch with a friend, under our pergola. Suddenly I noticed that the pelicans had been joined by a flight of cormorants! I was not a good hostess, but didn't leave the pergola.

Recently, any time we have a meal here, it is interrupted by nosey butcher birds trying to join us! So far they haven't taken any food, but they land on the table and are very difficult to shoo away.

It has been a beautiful week!

I would love to read your comment.


  1. Wow---- a herculean post! So much to see and do. What matters most to me is that you seem to have had a great time with all of it. I love the second panoramic sunrise shot-- and the one with the city in the distance. Almost time for winter to begin, but it sure doesn't look like it.

    1. Ha, ha, Bill. Everyone is complaining about how cold it is!
      Always busy Bill. I'm taking a friend to radiation treatment every day this week. Seeing sooo..... many people being treated, reinforces just how much we need to make the most of every day we wake up to.

  2. I smile at the birds so close by. The pelicans and cormorants are a real treat.

    Happy birthday to F. Another year around the sun and looking great.

    I love your idea of winter! Cold mornings like yours would be so wonderful here in February.

    Missing you both this time of year, Helen!

    1. I am so missing PEI too, Marie! I know you would love our winter temperatures. Such a contrast to your short dark, snowy days! Our problem is that our homes are built for summer so they are very cold in winter. Quite possibly you wouldn't agree.

  3. Hello, you are very bussy. Here the summer starts, our temperatures are about 15 degrees in the afternoons, which is unusually low and it's raining all the time. The sunsets can be admired only in the pictures. But we are getting used to it.

    1. Margi, it certainly has been a wet few months for you. I hope the summer sunshine soon breaks through for you. I cannot imagine so many long months of winter and then no sunny summer to enjoy.

  4. Happy birthday to your hubby! Boy, you have been busy! I see there have been lots of lovely sunsets where you live.

    1. Yes, I have been busy, Linda but I have noticed that you haven't been sitting still either. Isn't retirement wonderful?

  5. I love the beer keg paintings. Very cool. Any your skies!!! So gorgeous.

    1. Peter I love our blue winter skies. They have an amazing clarity to them and then add in the ever changing whispy clouds.

  6. Among all these gorgeous and inspiring photos, I too like especially the magical sunset with the city in the distance.
    Your winter is fabulous. But this we already knew. :)
    Belated happy birthday greetings to your husband... and happy weekend! xx

    1. Sara, the magical sunset city, Surfer's Paradise, is best viewed from the tranquilty of this distance.

  7. In my world, winter looks nothing like that - ha! For as much walking as you did, I imagine having cooler temperatures was a welcome thing. I agree: That sunrise was spectacular.

  8. Yes Kim, walking during the winter months is totally invigorating, but that said, I haven't kept up my daily k's. Too much happening. There's always tomorrow!

  9. You have been making the most of those beautiful skies and ideal temperatures! Oh isn't your winter wonderful! As you said to Linda, "isn't retirement wonderful " never a dull moment!

  10. You are busy, busy, busy and often walking for a good cause. I just love the huge hibiscus!
