Monday 2 September 2024

Goodbye Winter

Goodbye winter, or is it? 

33 to 35C max and 18 to 22C mins all last week, it certainly felt like it!

We've woken to 13C this morning with a max of 23! Just wonderful. Perhaps we will have a spring after all.

It has been a busy week getting ready for our travels and for hosting my friend Jocelyn's, '70th birthday minus one month', next Sunday evening. Her birthday is 8 October. Sunday is 8 Sept. As friends for 49 years I wanted to celebrate with her in some way.

I will always find time though, to enjoy nature's spectacle on my doorstep.

A perfect hour beside the ponds.

The golden glow of a grevillea.

A stunning lavender in a neighbour's garden.

The Hungry Hiker's were finally a bigger group on Wednesday, but we haven't been 'seven' since early April, for both health and travel reasons. After meeting for coffee at Victoria Park, once a golf course, we slowly made our way back to Southbank and our train home. 71/2 kilometres. I was very happy with this distance.


Ibis sculptures are appearing around our city. This fellow, at City Hall, has been given the key to Brisbane.

Dawn Thursday, from our patio.

A very misty, beautiful dawn was enjoyed from my garden yesterday.

Thrilled to have my orchids flowering before we leave.

But will my bed of spring annuals be in full colour before we leave. It is a thick mass of plants. It seems I should of culled more, ages ago.

Winter, summer or spring, life is good!

I would love to read your comment.


  1. Love those photos of the mist. I love watching the mist rise from a beach especially.

    We are both looking forward to seeing you soon. Take care!

    1. The misty mornings have been exceptional, Marie. See you soon.

  2. Love your fog and sunrise photos!

    1. They were totally worth getting up for, Linda.

  3. Wow--- I've never see so many exquisite pictures in one post! I envy you for your friendships. My dearest friends have all departed this world. I am glad that fall is upon us--- It is my favorite time of year.

    1. You are very kind, Bill. I found these mornings just delightful.

  4. Your temperatures are not that much different than ours as we go through an unusual heat wave for this time of year here. Today we have a break but will be over thirty again tomorrow.

    I love your early mornings by the ponds!

    As you say goodbye to winter and the beautiful colours, while in PEI you will be saying hello autumn and get to see the changing of the colours there!

    1. It is going to be just wonderful to enjoy both family and the changing tones of autumn.

  5. Love misty mornings, sunrises and water reflections. The photos are wonderful!

    1. Nature is just awesome, isn't it, Margi?

  6. Such lovely landscapes, flowers... and friends. Friends for almost 50 years sounds wonderful.
    Your garden is beautiful. And you have photographed its flowers and (misty) sunrises excellently.
    Take care! xx

    1. Thank you, Sara, our garden has been looking very colourful in the past few weeks but unless we have some rain soon, my burst of spring will be over.

  7. Gorgeous photos! So hard to pick out a favorite, but I really like the second one. The colors, reflection, with just a touch of haze. Magical!
