Saturday 17 August 2024

A Good News Story!

 Good news No 1 

On Thursday 8 we received a very early flood warning from our local council, for this past week. Torrential flooding rains dropping 250 mls, had been forecast. Thankfully, over four days, we only received 70 wonderul millilitres. I say wonderful, as we had had no rain for 2 months and the bushfire season is approaching. I feel much more relaxed about it now.

Good news No 2.

1 - I had an appointment for my 6 month tachycardia check up on the 19th  August. [tomorrow]

 2 - In the week ending Friday 2nd August, I had been having a few episodes, so decided to try for an earlier appointment as we leave for Canada on the 11 September. I expected just a medication adjustment. 

3 - I rang Monday [5th] and there had been a cancellation at Redlands Heart Centre for Thursday 8th.  😍

4 - Only problem was that I required a halter monitor prior to the appointment. No problem, they said. We can do it here tomorrow. [Tuesday] 😍 

5 - I have been seeing Dr Deen for over 20 years re my tachycardia. He took one look at the monitor results and said this isn't tachycardia, but an irregular heart beat. You require a pacemaker.😟😟 

6- I can do it Tuesday 13th [last week] and you will be good to fly in 4 weeks time! 👏👏👏😍😍😍 

7 - Just an overnight stay. 😍😍 

I am very happy to report that all went well and other than a very uncomfortable shoulder I am doing fine.

 I am not allowed to lift my left arm above my shoulder for several weeks so I am limited in what I can do. I am taking extreme care not to do anything that might put paid to our being with our Grandchildren in 4 weeks time. 

Good News No 3 

Since the rain has passed, I have been enjoying sitting under our pergola, and every so often, I take a walk to enjoy the early arrival of my spring blossoms. 

The golf course has greened up dramatically.

The grevilleas are stunning.

Our neighbours cream one, as I walked over for a coffee.

An hour and half later!

Potted coour.

Eucharis Lily

Double Impatien

Cattleya Orchid

Last of the camellia, plus azalea and primula.

I would love to read your comment.


  1. How fortunate for you to have the problem identified and surgery in good time for your travels. I love the red bug among your potted colour.

    1. Very, very fortunaste! I have many, mant red bugs in my garden. All given to me by friends.

  2. We got some rain today--- That's good! A big, noisy thunderstorm rattled the house for about 20 minutes this afternoon. I'm glad tosay we didn't lose power. So--- that's good news. Your news is good--- Pacemakers are far from unusual these days, and it seems like a better solution for your continued whacky heartbeat. I guess you need to avoid microwave ovens-- or is that a myth? Anyway, I'm excited for you to spend time with family on this side of the planet. Take care of yourself.

    1. I'm excited too Bill ,and am taking care of myself! That thunderstorm sounds fierce!

  3. That's loads of good news! That is wonderful to hear how everything fell into place with appointments and surgery and having time on your side now for recovery before heading off to PEI. The count down is on to exciting times!

    1. Thanks Alexandra. The countdown rushes on. Packing starts tomorrow.

  4. It is great news that the issue regarding your heartbeat was discovered so early and handled so well. Great news that it won’t interfere with your travel plans! That would be heartbreaking. Take care, Helen. See you next month.

    1. So looking forward to seeing you and Rick, next month, Marie. It was amazing at it all falling into place.

  5. It's great news that the doctors handled you so quickly and so well! I wish you all the best. Take care of yourself.

    1. Thanks Marji. I have been so very fortunate.

  6. What a story, Helen! I'm happy that things are going so well and wish you a very happy trip to Canada! <3
    Bill's question above made me remember that I had my teeth cleaned by a dentist last week and the nurse asked if I have a pacemaker. (I don't.) Indeed, now I read that electronic dental instruments like ultrasonic scalers could potentially interfere with some implantable cardiac devices such as pacemakers. I never knew.
    Wonderful potted colours, I find the Eucharis Lily especially interesting.
    Big hugs! xx

    1. Quite the story, Sara. I'm so glad of the swift outcome, but still bemused by the fact I required one, when I think of all the walking I have done this year. I now have a card to carry, especially for airport security. Today's pacemaker can now go into safely into MRI xrays. The microwave is fine.

  7. I'm so sorry to read of your recent health issues, but I am thankful that the procedure was a success! You definitely have a beautiful spot for enjoying a colorful view as you recover. I hope all continues to go as planned so that your trip remains on the calendar!

    1. Thanks, Kim. My surrounds have continued to be uplifting this week.

  8. I love all the beautiful blooms, and even more, I love hearing all the good news!!

  9. I loved the 'good news' too, Peter, and I have found many more colourful blooms this week.

  10. Wow! Glad to hear your doctor caught things early and an appointment opened up that fit into your time frame. I'm sure you'll be back out hiking in no time.
