Monday 26 August 2024

Doing Well.

 A good week. A happy week.

I am very happy to report that life is getting back to normal, slowly but surely. The caring and support of friends, and the wonder of nature, have all contributed to my recovery.

Last Monday evening I joined Laurel to watch the all but full supermoon rise. There was much cloud on the horizon, but we finally spotted it, before it began to play hide 'n seek. I was using my camera and, at the time, felt my images would be poor.  This one is my favourite and I had no idea the ibis was in the frame.

Now you see it. Soon you won't.

A wonderful twilight.

 Last Friday I took my first morning walk. Two and half kilometres at a gentle pace. It was a beautiful morning to be out walking after a misty sunrise. The birds were in full song, trying to lessen the impact of the M1 roar of traffic. [Depending on the wind and atmospheric conditions, its noise can be either a roar, or not heard at all.]

A stunning Geralton Wax shrub, glowing in the early morning light. [native to Aus] 

We have few deciduous trees. This is a Leopard Tree and is semi deciduous. It caught my eye as, this year it has lost all its leaves. I had to smile when I saw it. It speaks of a stark winter, but all around me, I was seeing spring flowers. The temperature when I left to walk was 13C, but was already 18C and this week the maximum is 30C plus! Ugh, summer is here too soon.

Alas, I am unable to name this bird, but he and his mate were enjoying calling one another.

The heady perfume of my traditional freezias welcomed me home.

New growth on the bottlebrush.

Colour overload in our tiny southern facing courtyard.

Yesterday, Sunday, I managed a comfortable 5 kilometres. 
Nature again cheered me all the way.

Magpies calling to each other.

Further on, my favourite trees!

A weedy, but looking beautiful, 'meadow'.

And I can't believe that my 'heart' tree is still showing such a distinctive heart!

I fully expected these wonderful moments of morning joy would fill this week's blog. I hadn't counted on being wide awake at 4.30am this morning!  Pulling back the curtains at 5.30, a reddish glow beckoned me outside. It wasn't long before I was dressed and enjoying yet another magnificent sunrise by the golf ponds, before continuing on for a further 3 kilometre amble.

Continuing on.

Red Bottle Brush

Blue-faced Honey Eater 

My circuit complete. My happy metre full to over brimming!

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Saturday 17 August 2024

A Good News Story!

 Good news No 1 

On Thursday 8 we received a very early flood warning from our local council, for this past week. Torrential flooding rains dropping 250 mls, had been forecast. Thankfully, over four days, we only received 70 wonderul millilitres. I say wonderful, as we had had no rain for 2 months and the bushfire season is approaching. I feel much more relaxed about it now.

Good news No 2.

1 - I had an appointment for my 6 month tachycardia check up on the 19th  August. [tomorrow]

 2 - In the week ending Friday 2nd August, I had been having a few episodes, so decided to try for an earlier appointment as we leave for Canada on the 11 September. I expected just a medication adjustment. 

3 - I rang Monday [5th] and there had been a cancellation at Redlands Heart Centre for Thursday 8th.  😍

4 - Only problem was that I required a halter monitor prior to the appointment. No problem, they said. We can do it here tomorrow. [Tuesday] 😍 

5 - I have been seeing Dr Deen for over 20 years re my tachycardia. He took one look at the monitor results and said this isn't tachycardia, but an irregular heart beat. You require a pacemaker.😟😟 

6- I can do it Tuesday 13th [last week] and you will be good to fly in 4 weeks time! 👏👏👏😍😍😍 

7 - Just an overnight stay. 😍😍 

I am very happy to report that all went well and other than a very uncomfortable shoulder I am doing fine.

 I am not allowed to lift my left arm above my shoulder for several weeks so I am limited in what I can do. I am taking extreme care not to do anything that might put paid to our being with our Grandchildren in 4 weeks time. 

Good News No 3 

Since the rain has passed, I have been enjoying sitting under our pergola, and every so often, I take a walk to enjoy the early arrival of my spring blossoms. 

The golf course has greened up dramatically.

The grevilleas are stunning.

Our neighbours cream one, as I walked over for a coffee.

An hour and half later!

Potted coour.

Eucharis Lily

Double Impatien

Cattleya Orchid

Last of the camellia, plus azalea and primula.

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Monday 12 August 2024

Birds and Lavender

 A quiet week on the walking front, but our local birds have been bringing me joy.

I help a friend look after her garden. The Fairy Wrens are often present and are a delight to watch. I took my camera with me last week in the hope I would get some lovely images. Just two. They flit so quickly.

I was walkng into our home one afternoon and spotted these butcher birds in the bird bath. I snuck inside quietly and quickly took this image through a window. As expected, they flew off before I returned outside.

The pelicans haven't been frequenting the ponds as often. Frank and I were enjoying an outside morning coffee when I spotted three soaring overhead. Once again, I was too slow finding the camera and only one remained.

Making breakfast several days ago, I spotted this distinguished character sitting on our fencepost. He posed for as long as required!

I visited the city's Roma Street Gardens with friends. The Ibis is a much unliked bird because of its habit of eating from cafe tables and rubbish bins. Yes, suburbia has taken over his habitat.  I think this fellow is looking particularly splendid.

A few metres further on, we found this sculpture. Perfect!
Brisbane is hosting the Olympic Games in 2032, and there is a proposal to have the Ibis as our mascot. A very controversial topic at present.

An unexpected journey on Monday to Cleveland, on Redland Bay, took me past the Sirromet winery and lavender farm. I had not expected to see the the lavender in bloom. An earlier, heavy passing shower of rain meant their perfume was filling the air. I just had to find a safe spot to turn around to enter the vineyard's driveway. Having done so, I was disappointed not to be able to see them. I finally parked beside the busy road, and safely crossed to take these images, and for a short while, enjoy their beauty through the fence.

Spot the Fairy Wren.

Nature brings so much joy to every day.

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