Saturday 16 September 2023

Swell Sculptures 2023

Wednesday 13 September 

It was a busy day. The Brisbane Festival is this month and a highlight is the Illumination of the City Botanical Gardens. We had to book a date very early and chose 13th September. Last week we realised that this coincided with the Swell Sculptures at Currumbin Beach.  We didn't want to miss them.

Result - Four Hungry Hikers were on the road to the coast at 5 a.m., to witness the sunrise at Currumbin Beach and explore the shoreline dotted with over 70 pieces of art.

Sunrise images.

This was my favourite and its title is appropriate. This wren is also one of my favourite birds.

Here is the Blue Fairy Wren that was once a regular visitor to my garden. Sadly no longer so. It has been chased away by the Noisy Miners!

My 2nd choice brings back childhood memories for myself and my boys. The Hills Hoist was the washing line in everyone's backyard. Birds loved to sit on them and the magpie would trill its delightful tune.

Memories - Father and son hanging out the washing on our Hills Hoist.

The device went on to become an icon of the Aussie backyard for decades. It is now listed as a National Treasure by the National Library of Australia.

Local themes.
I have no details of this piece, but then, none is necessary.

We witnessed this on two occasions as floodwaters crept across the golf course to invade our property. A ground-living bird, there are numerous families on the golf course. At nesting time they are very protective and can be vicious.

There is no theme associated with the Swell Sculptures. "
Swell welcomes the opportunity to work with artists, who are keen to break new ground in sculpture presentation and installation art." 
We found many of the explanations of the artist's work quite deep in meaning. Alas, we often felt quite bewildered. That said, this sculpture was mesmerising to watch with its ocean background.

Many of the artists focused on the need to take greater care of the world around us.

My least favourite aesthetically but its blurb makes it quite impactful!

Yes, this was quite the surprise!

Very clever - the seaweed moved gently in the breeze.


View back to our parked car.

Our viewing complete, we decided to walk back along the footpath to the Currumbin SLS club for breakfast. As we looked out to sea, several whales were slowly swimming south, just offshore. The SLSC has a rocky peak beside it and steps to its viewing platform. The whales had moved further south, but the view across Swell was rather impressive.

As was our breakfast view.

Returning to the car we noticed several signs indicating a Swell Gallery. It was well worth our while to take a look. The gallery was exhibiting smaller sculpture replicas of the sculptures we had seen on the beach. Sadly, still out of our price range. I did splurge though, and just love my 22 cards of affirmation by Julia Rose, 'Naturally Positive'.

Julia's sculpture - RiJulot

Such a wonderful morning viewing these amazing sculptures before the crowds descended, with calming waves and a crisp blue sky in the background. Four pm would see us in the city to view 'Lightscape'. Could our evening viewing match the delight of this morning? The answer soon.

I would love to read your comment.


  1. Such beauty so accessible along the beach. What a treasure and great fun with friends along.

    1. The early start had many benefits. Such a special morning.

  2. What an amazing exhibition! And the impressive and ingenious sculptures were surely best admired in the calm and beautiful early morning atmosphere.
    Looking forward to following your evening program. :)
    Thank you for the lovely post!

  3. Wow! So much to take in! I like the octopus. There's ample proof that Australians can be incredibly creative!

    1. We might be Down Under, but Aussies like to make their mark.

  4. What a wonderful exhibition. Your early dawn shots are simply superb.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Those sculptures are amazing! Thanks for sharing them with us. It's almost like I was there.

    1. There were so many more wonderful exhibits.

  7. Those sculptures are amazing and look so nice against the early morning lighting.

    1. The beach setting certainly has a strong impact.

  8. The sunrise definitely cooperated with you! I liked some of them, and others I wasn't as fond of. But I suppose that is art, isn't it?

    1. We only just made the sunrise. I had to run onto the beach as soon as the car parked.

  9. So much wonderful artwork. I love that it's right on the beach. I was hoping to pick out a favorite, be multiple favorites made it impossible!

  10. I agree and understand your dilemma.

  11. What an amazing sculpture show and outdoors on the beach too! I love the mushrooms and was relieved to see they weren't for sale. Some of the other pieces would have put a serious dent in my wallet!

  12. It is an annual event and we are always amazed by the creations and wonder at how the artist came up with the concept.
