Friday 26 October 2018

Beauty after the Storm

Sunday 21 October

Today's spring thunderstorm passed through about 4 pm, delivering 33mms in just under half an hour.  The golf ponds, which just 2 weeks ago were looking very low, couldn't cope with the downpour and overflowed into one lake. Just after 5pm I happened to pass a window with a view to the golf course. The storm was still passing to the east as the sun was falling in the west. The pond vista that greeted my eyes now, had me grabbing my camera and heading out the back gate. 

A joyous hour followed.

I should add that the grass of the golf course was totally brown 2 weeks ago. The miracle of rain is precious.

I would love to read your comment.


  1. The ducks and the pelican seem quite pleased. I imagine a few golfers were inconvenienced, but the result is lovely!

  2. It is so fresh I can almost smell the rain.

  3. Wonderful light and reflections!

  4. Amazing light and reflections. Some of my own favourite photos are when you have the combination of dark stormy clouds and bright sunlight. Mesmerising
