Sunday 26 May 2024

The May Full Moon

 It had been an incredibly busy week. On Thursday, I spread 20 bales of sugar cane mulch on a friend's garden. The temperature was perfect for this work. In the past, a task like this was no big deal, but yet again the body is telling me times are a changing. I struggled to finish and had to have a long soaking bath on arriving home. By the time the moon was due to rise, I wasn't sure I had the energy to walk outside to watch. So glad I did. It was the most beautiful, still and peaceful evening. Nature worked its magic on me.

With a wide horizon, one has to watch carefully to catch the moon's first appearance. I wasn't sure I had found it, when I took the first image.

On Monday, as I mentioned previously, I took my cousin to visit a friend at Cabarita. My time was spent sitting on the rocks watching the ebb and flow of the waves.

These lads must have tough soles to their feet. They causally walked across the chiton encrusted rocks to jump into the surf. My heart didn't enjoy watching.

Tuesday was another busy day, but the Gaiter Girls accommodated me with an afternoon, local walk.
The Albert River.

Wednesday I had to take a quick trip to Kyogle. It takes 2 hours, but the rural vistas always thrill me and slow me down. Only one photo stop this time.

This morning I finally found time for my morning walk. This shrub mass below is called Snowflakes and it always puts on a wondrous show, at this time of year.

 I was going to photograph the moon, but the birdsong was so lovely this video resulted. Our natives are a mass of blossom for them to feed on.

This now finds me sitting with this view of Brisbane's main railway station. I am travelling overnight to Townsville to visit my brother and his family.

I would love to read your comments.


  1. Amazing moon shots! Congratulations! And... I really like the decoration on the train!

    1. Thanks Bill. I had taken a photo of a previous train and had added it here. Then, this train came in and I quickly took this image and deleted the other. Many of our Citycat ferries are also decorated similarly.

  2. Such a glorious post, the moon rise, the blooms and birds! Have a safe journey and a wonderful visit, Helen!

    1. Happy times, Marie, even if I am not enjoying PEI family, and spring magic!

  3. Kim Fritzemeier28 May 2024 at 13:19

    I'm glad you found the energy to chase the moon. Beautiful! Among the others, I especially liked the misty/foggy shot. I always enjoy seeing the ocean, since it's so different from my everyday view. Safe travels to you!

    1. The ocean is always mesmerising and I do love misty mornings.

  4. Great moon shots! Looks like you have been busy.

    1. Just like you, Linda. The camera shutter is always clicking.

  5. Your Full May Moon photos are beautiful! This was the first full moon of the year that I was not able to capture a photo due to cloud cover.

    Every time I see your ocean vistas I SIGH! When there are waves in those vistas, I SIGH a little louder!

  6. I love your moon shots. Glad you pushed yourself to go our and get them. My body is telling me the same thing. Times are definitely changing!

    1. Peter, you are doing very well with nights and hiking in the desert. Hope things don't change too quickly!

  7. What amazing photos and scenery. Your part of the world is beautiful. B x

    1. Barbara, our part of the world is very beautiful, but I still hanker for the British countryside and vistas.

  8. The moon shots are wonderful!

    1. Thank you, Margi. I was so glad I had made the effort.

  9. Oh what a moon, what glorious waves and mysterious mists! The surfers need lots of skill and a good physical condition.
    Thank you for the lovely photos... and your always kind comments!
    Happy June, Helen!

  10. A chilly start to June, Sara! 9C this morning! Winter has arrived. Sorry. I hope your spring is rushing along to warm summer temperatures.
