Sunday 2 June 2024

Soaring and Diving

 Sunday June 1st

After some damp cloudy days, yesterday dawned with crystal clear skies and a nip in the air. Mid morning, I drove to Mt Tamborine with 3 friends. After a delicious morning tea, I drove to the popular hang gliding jump off zone. It was incredibly busy with preparations for flights soon to be taken. Five were already soaring. Fortunately there was one space left for us to park in, to join the excited crowd watching these 'flimsy' looking gliders take off. 

The valley below, and distant ranges, were looking stunning. What a perfect day for hang gliding!

Death by Chocolate [name of cake] or death by flight! Thankfully, both absolutely amazing. [I ate the raspberry muffin. đŸ˜‹]


Setting up.

Waiting for the moment.

Up and away!

The young lass in the photo above was waiting for her first tandem flight. Family and friends were waiting and watching excitedly and nervously for her.

Getting strapped in, and finally they were away.

It was just thrilling to watch them. 12 in all, we thought.

We thought they were a little too close to the trees!

We watched for a good half hour, but were unable to stay until they re alighted on terra firma.


The morning of my train trip to Townsville, F and I were sitting with a coffee and enjoying the view across the golf course. Suddenly, a black mass of birds flew overhead, and before I could open my camera, had landed on the pond closest to us. They immedialtely went into a feeding frenzy. I didn't have time to go closer, so rushed for my camera and its wonderful zoom. I believe that they are cormorants. The ponds must be healthy, as this is where the pelicans were feeding a couple of weeks ago.

Driving passed Windaroo Golf Club on our way to Mt Tamborine, I spotted, what I believe to be the same flock of Cormorants.

In Townsville, I just missed capturing the Osprey landing in this nest, near the station.

I've been scrolling through my photos quite often recently. This one brought back wonderful memories of hiking with Alexandra in Banff National Park on the 5th June 2016! [From - Still Making Waves on Top of the World]


I would love to read your comment.


  1. How cool to watch all those hang gliders! Their parachutes are so pretty.

    1. It was just the perfect day for them to fly and for us to watch with that amazing valley vista!

  2. Kim Fritzemeier3 June 2024 at 08:35

    Have you ever hang glided? I haven't. I'm sure it would be beautiful, but I don't think I'd ever do it. Randy definitely would!

    1. I've done a tandem parachute when I was in my 50's. Absolutely brilliant but I don't think I could have changed places with that lass.

  3. I thought for some moments there you were going hang gliding, Helen! You tackle many hikes I could never manage so I thought hang gliding might be next!

    I don’t know if I could watch my daughter hang gliding. I’d probably have a stroke. If she ever tries something like that, I hope she never tells me about it.

    What incredible winter weather! Out and about there is easy in winter!

    We miss you both this time of year. I’ll write soon.

    1. Tandem parachuting was exhilerating, Marie but I don't think I could contemplate this even when younger. Gliding in an aircraft would be tops!

  4. Our valley is famous for parachuting. During the summer season there are full of parachuters here. It must be wonderful, I would like to try, but I'm too scared.

    1. It must be wonderful to be able to watch them regularly, in your valley.

  5. The hang gliders are so brave but it must be lovely if not nervous. Great photos too. Same with the cormorants photos. Love the Banf photo too.

  6. Thank you, Diane. The cormorants and pelicans are back.
