Monday 8 April 2024

A Relaxing Week

Tuesday 2 April - Monday 8 April

Strangely, there was no walking on Monday.

Setting off for a Gaiter Girl walk at 6 am Tuesday, the sky was aglow with this wonderful sunrise.

There was only Janice and me. Janice had found a new local conservation park to explore. As we drove the final 500 metres to the entrance, wallabies were feeding by the side of the road, but they quickly scarpered when they heard our car approaching. It was a beautiful morning for walking this undulating, bushy trail.

From a distance, the trunk of this eucalypt looked like an elephant's thick leg.

7 km completed, we drove back to Janice's for a cuppa and to admire the colour in her garden. The purple is an unnamed creeper.

Back at No 16, my home, I am enjoying the white orchids given to my parents for their 50 th wedding anniversary in 1998. It rarely flowers. The golden bromeliad is also slow to flower. First time in at least 5 years.

6 am Wednesday and the sunrise is equally beautiful.

The Hungry Hikers also found a new area to explore this week, just 20 mins down the road from No 16. A suburban area that has been developed over the last 10 years, just off the M1 to the Gold Coast. Another good mix of housing and green space.
Starting point - picninc grounds, sports fields and an excerise circuit.

Magpie geese.

Thursday didn't dawn brightly and over 28 ml fell during the day.

Friday continued to be wet. It is our friend Penny's birthday on the 15th. Our special friendship group from the late 90's, [The Pigs] organised a surprise lunch for her. Penny thought she was just coming to a Pink, Purple or P, themed lunch. You can see her surprise. It was also an occasion where we recalled our special memories of our dear friend Robyn, who had very sadly passed away several weeks previously.

Jayne and I painted these rocks as place setting markers.

And for this gift for Penny. 

The rain continued Saturday morning and I thoroughly enjoyed sloshing through all the water logged paths. The temperature is still in the high twenties, so a fun 6 km was enjoyed.

Sunset in the west and east, Sunday evening.

A soft sunrise Monday, as I set off for my local walk.

I just managed to snap this cutie, before he bounded off into the distance.

The fog was lifting to greet a sunny day.

With all the rainy weather, fungi of every shape and size are popping up everywhere. I just love these two.

It had been a relaxing, but busy week. Any time in nature, lifting my spirits.

This morning, I received news that has me wanting to jump over the moon. My brother had a series of Xrays and scans last Thursday for his C-cell Lymphoma. Before he started his 2nd last chemo today, the specialist was able to tell him that he is now in remission. Just the very best news!

I would love to read your comment.


  1. You guys crack me up! And I was afraid that one goose had a flower for a head until I clicked on it.

    1. Hi Bill. Somehow my first comment went 3 steps below!

  2. I would certainly love to hike some of those stunning paths. And glorious sunrises too. We are lucky to see the sun at all at the moment. Such exotic flowers. Beautiful. B x

    1. Barbara, I hope sunshine has now found your skies.

  3. They say laughter is the best medicine, Bill.

  4. Yay! Great news about your brother.

    The Magpie Geese look interesting. I’d love to see them.

    You have such lovely parties! Congrats to your friend on the big 70!

    1. The best news, Marie. We don't see Magpie Geese that often but they are an impressive bird.

    2. The best news, Marie. We don't see Magpie Geese that often but they are an impressive bird.

  5. Seeing the first series of photos, I was asking myself whether it's always sunny in your neck of the woods... but the answer was there: it does rain sometimes. :)
    The rainy days can be fun too: The birthday party looks lovely and the place setting markers are gorgeous, wonderful keepsakes for everyone.
    Your nature photos are lovely, as always. I don't know if the plants surrounding the Magpie geese are wanted but they surely bear beautiful flowers.
    The fungi of the last photo look like white roses.
    Wishing clement weather and good health to you all! xx

    1. Lots to reply to here, Sara. Last year our total rainfall was 32 inches. In October we were close to drought and the forecasters were giving dire warnings that that would continue throughout summer, Thankfully they were totally wrong and from November through to April we have had 54 inches. Everywhere is a lush green and plants are thriving. I love green!
      The plants in the lagoon are typical flora for that environment. The flowers belong to the water lily family. I agree about the fungi. Yesterday I spotted light purple ones. Very unusual.
      We are loving our cooler weather.

  6. Ha!Ha! When I read the words "Hungry Hikers" &"picnic grounds" for your Wednesday outing, I expected to see a spread of food on one of the tables! That is great news about your brother!

    1. Fabulous news about JIm. Thsi week there will be a luncheon spread in a park by the Brisbane River. Bon voyage to 4 of our group, setting off next week, on exciting OS adventures.

  7. Kim Fritzemeier10 April 2024 at 07:32

    You have had beautiful morning skies lately. We would gladly take the rain you are getting. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, does it? As always, your photos of blooms were gorgeous. We are greening up here in south central Kansas, too. With temperatures rising this weekend, I'm sure there will be more of that. So sorry about the loss of your friend.

    1. Kim the skies may be beautiful all year, but with the sun rising now around 6'ish, I am truely enjoying them.
      I know the heart break of no rain from 3 drought years, 2004 -2006. I hope you get more as spring arrives.

  8. Great news about your brother!
    Happy birthday to your friend!
    The sun rises are amazing.

  9. The hiking and exploring in your area looks just wonderful, not to mention those gorgeous skies!!

  10. Our hiking is a total opposite to your wonderful desert adventures, Peter.
