Wednesday 17 April - a post to crack Bill up!
Back in November, Hugry Hiker Jayne announced that she had just booked a month's cruise with Virgin's "Resilient Lady". It was a special too good to miss! - Dubai through the Suez Canal to Barcelona and then through the Mediterranean. Jayne and her husband had booked to go with another couple, however, as a consequence of Jayne's announcement on this day, 22 friends, and friends of friends, are now in Dubai on day one of this deal. Sadly, the war in the middle east has cut short the cruise. The Suez Canal is to be bipassed. After 3 days exploring Dubai, they will fly direct to Barcelona. Thankfully, their departure wasn't last weekend when Dubai had torrential rain fall with unheard of flooding. There is no evidence of this a week later, but apparently it is a hot topic of conversation.
So back to my blog post. After climbing a mountain on the previous Sunday, my legs required a leisurely stroll. I came up with the following plan. Meet at Orleigh Park, West End. Take the City Cat across the river to St Lucia. Walk to the Go Between Bridge and complete the circuit on the opposite shore.
View as we set off.
Return leg.

Along the way.
Curious pigeons at our picnic spot.

The life of a retiree is tough in Brisbane's warm, April sunshine!
I had made simple newspaper hats, with the name "Resilient Lady", for the group who were sailing. A Bon Voyage Boat and message was on each plate, and Instagram gave me the idea to create an aircraft from sweets. Those not flying off had an Aussie creature in their boat.
May their journey be safe and the most amazing adventure.
Joc particularly liked the aircraft.
Each of us contributed to the delicous fare.
Just the best time with friends. Early in May, Jenny is also off to adventures in the UK, so Laurel and I will be lonely, but I am sure we will still find great walks and good food.
For Alexandra. A photo of the 'heart' tree taken on Sunday.
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