We had had minimum falls of rain from July through to December. Everywhere was parched and tinder dry. Bush fires were rampant in SE Queensland where I live. These were the forerunner of the horror that unfolded in the southern states in late December.
On the evening of the 11 December, this approaching storm was full of promise. Alas, hardly a drop fell.
A less dramatic looking storm on Christmas Eve, finally brought relief, dumping a wonderful inch of rain.
[Note that you cannot see any water in the golf pond.]
Two weeks later, there was a tinge of green coming through, as the Gaiter Girls set off on a local walk.
From Christmas Eve through to the 17th January, no further rain fell. During this night however, I heard rain falling off and on. I must have been sleeping more deeply than I had thought, as this was the view of the golf ponds I woke to. Over 100 mm or 4 inches of rain had fallen. Since then, over several days we have had a further inch / 25mm. Yes, the magic of rain!
This week the Gaiter Girls retraced some of the December walk. Such a joy to have 'green' back again. [Same field as above.]
Sunrise - 5am, as I prepared to join the Gaiter Girls at Rebecca's home for our Tuesday walk.
Neil is Rebecca's husband and had offered to take us on local trails that we were unfamilar with.

The estate we were walking through, consisted of acreage blocks of 2 to 5 acres.The developers, some 40 years ago, had wisely included corridors of land to be left untouched.
How wonderfully green was this view to the Albert River!
We were excited to learn from Neil, that this field beyond the creek, has been bought by the council to be developed as parkland, for the use of the community.
Sometimes we had to walk the quiet streets.
Someone's now full, backyard duck pond.
Note the mushrooms growing in a ring. We saw several of these.
From empty one week, to overflowing the next.
The final hill to Rebecca and Neil's home.
Even though we set out at 5.30 am, the heat and humidity was extremely debilitating. We should have known to bring our togs. Still, we managed to recover with chilled fruit, eaten with our feet dangling in the pool.
This city girl, but country born and bred, was in seventh heaven throughout this 11 kilometre walk. A simply marvellous morning in the Yatala 'bush'. Fresh country smells, cows, horses, sheep, ducks and noisy dogs, along with the magical green vistas across the paddocks. It was also a relief to know that the rain had been spreading itself far and wide and temporarily, the bushfire alerts had been downgraded.
Below is a photo collage of 1 week in January, in Australia.
Unstoppable bushfires.
A child in the west experiencing puddles for the 1st time.
Dust storms
Destructive hail in Canberra.
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