Easter Monday, 17 April.
This morning I set the alarm to be awake for sunrise. Looking through the curtains the colour wasn't molten, but it didn't stop me from quickly dressing and jumping on the bike for the brisk ride to the headland.
This morning's Tweed River inlet.
I decided to take a slightly different route to Snapper Rocks, which took me passed the Tweed River breakwater. I hadn't realised you could walk / ride its length. A quick decision was made to watch the sunrise from here. Numerous fishermen were also up early, trying their luck from the rock wall.
Perched on a massive boulder, I was mesmersied by the everchanging dawn colours in the sky, that dusted the waves with pastel shades of red, as they languidly rolled in. Some more hopeful fishermen, in varying sized boats, were negotiating the bar to reach the calm, unruffled waters beyond the breakwater.

These boats got safely through.

I looked away briefly and was then greeted by this scene.
I alerted the fishermen. A phone call was made. Fortunately at that moment, a jet ski was spotted heading towards the mouth. We all screamed to be heard, waving and pointing to alert them to the situation. Thankfully the message was understood. They sped to where we pointed and we were relieved to see one of the men clamber aboard.
They raced him to the beach and quickly retuned for the second man.
Within 15 minutes, both men were on shore and walking forlornly off into the distance. A big relief to see.
Time then to witness the final minutes of another magical sunrise.
The sequel to this incident was that a friend mentioned that she had seen the incident reported on the evening news. I didn't understand how that could have been the case, as the overturn and rescue occurred so quickly. I used googled and discovered that at 10.30 am on the same morning, another boat was capsized and Air Sea Rescue recovered 3 men from the sea. A yacht was also seen having difficulty, but did not capsize.
I cycled home for breakfast via Point Danger and Snapper Rocks.
View of Snapper Rocks looking down from the Point Danger. [very apt name, it would seem.]
Mid morning I rode back to Coolangatta Beach for a coffee while enjoying this vista, before diving under the waves myself. Pure bliss with the autumn temperature at 25C and the sea temperature 22C. If only our summer could be more like this.
Rainbow Bay just around the corner, was equally popular as I returned to my shady seat at Snapper Rocks.
So easy to sit and forget time, as the waves endlessly roll in.
It is possible [time wise] that one of these yachts was the one reported as having difficulty at the bar.
It is possible [time wise] that one of these yachts was the one reported as having difficulty at the bar.
I had a sewing project with me, but progress was slow, as I was constantly distracted by what I can only describe as 'tumultuous' waves - huge and dramatic, but not angry. The sea was incredibly calm, but the waves were definitely showing off!