Monday, 2 August 2021

Pelicans and Reflections

Sunday 1 August 

There are very few positives to this Covid Pandemic. The greater Brisbane area of SE Queensland went into lockdown on Sunday. The Delta varient has found its way into the community and our health professionals, rightly, want to stamp it our as quickly as possible.

The positive for me has been an empty golf course to enjoy at sunrise, and a guilt free day watching our Aussie's excelling themselves at the Olympics.

My walk yesterday, was a chilly 9C, but I was out on the golf course soon after 6am to enjoy the 6.30 am sunrise. Two hours later, and with many, many photos, I returned. 

What a magical, wondrous morning it had been with birdsong, reflections, sunbeams, and dew touched flora.

There were just 2 pelicans on two different ponds.  They always enthrall me.

Misty pond 1, and a view back to my home.

Pond 2 - the sun is up and the clarity of the pond's surface was flawless.

My 2nd pelican arrives at this pond.

She silently glides to a weedy section of the pond. At times it definitely looked like her 'beak held more than her belly can'!


Getting ready to leave.

Well, I hope you have survived the pelican overload! It was most surely a very special morning.

I would love to read your comment.


  1. Wow---- some fabulous pictures here. Incredibly beautiful with the mist, the early sun--- Stay safe!

    1. The sunset walks have been pretty special too.

  2. So nice to have such beauty just out your door to enjoy while getting through the lockdown!

    1. Yes Alexandra, and each and every day of the year!

  3. Some of those pelican photos are phenomenal. Our pelicans are colored a bit differently, and they are usually far enough away that I can't capture them like you have on "film." I agree with you: I am thankful for the beauty all around me. The Covid resurgence is discouraging. Take care and continue finding the beauty where you can.

    1. Thank you Kim. I found it difficult to delete the 'many' images taken!
      I think our pelican compares with the elegance of te white swan.

  4. Magnificent photos of pelicans and reflections, Helen! Your photos are like paintings. The early morning atmosphere sounds blissful.
    It's very sad how the Covid situation is getting worse almost everywhere. We with green areas around us are really the lucky ones.
    Wishing you happy and beautiful August days.

    1. Thank you Sara.I am so very grateful for where I live, each and every day. It was such a bonus this week to have the entire golf course to myself. I don't play, but the view and constant birdsong, bring joy every day.

  5. The pelicans would have made my day, Helen.

  6. David, I was hoping you would drop by to enjoy them.
