Neglected Mountain you are neglected yet again, but be sure, we will conquer you come winter next year!!!!
Jenny not being well, Margot and I decided to hike on Mt Tamborine, just a 45 min drive from my home.
First up, Palm Grove and Jenyns Circuits. After lunch we hiked the Witches Falls circuit.
Both were a mixture of flat, sloping, steep and winding. The vegetation and the paths kept changing.
Sadly, we yet again witnessed nature's force of earlier this year, with more paths closed and giant trees splattered on the forest floor.
We enjoyed the babbling sounds of this gentle water flow and then turned and observed the result of its full might in flood.
This forest is noted for its buttressed carrabeen trees - such elegant grace!
The canopy wasn't without its beauty.
We weren't always in rainforest.

Occasionally we caught sight of the valley below.
The tenacity of these trees is mind boggling!
Margot and I both want one of these rocks in our garden.
The Witches Falls circuit had a pleasant surprise for us. The final 2.5 k's is now out of the rainforest and along a leafy street with amazing gardens and homes on either side. We had a quick walk around a wedding venue with its high hedges and hidden nooks, and resisted sampling the liquors and vodkas in a local distillery.
The magnolias on the mountain were in full bloom and in abundance on this street - just beautiful!
Spotting these Sulphur Crested Cockatoos not long before the completion of the hike had us agreeing, that 'Walking Down Under with Friends' is always full of pleasant surprises!
Each of us is off on holidays over the next month and a half. I'm hoping to experience trails in the SW of Western Australia. Jenny is travelling in the NE of the US and Margot has 5 days walking along the Amalfi Coast before cruising in the Mediterraean.
I would love to read your comment.