Monday, 30 May 2022

Springs Marvellous Progress

 A post of few words. Each day is overflowing with the joy of family, and spring in all her moods.

Saturday 21st May - Beach weather!

Sunday 22nd May - time to rug up again!

Sunshine and rain competed during the week, with sunshine thankfully a clear winner. Lots of walking during the day, with late afternoon and evening spent with our family.

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Saturday, 21 May 2022

How Magical is the Arrival of Spring?

 Sunday 15 May

It was a long journey to Prince Edward Island, Canada, but oh, how worth it for the joy of being with family and experiencing the unfurling of spring each day.

It has been a very long winter on the island. The first snow fell in early December. Many storms followed, along with miserable weather right up until about a week ago. On waking Monday morning it appeared to me to be still winter, as a dark cloudy sky, wind, and a chilly 10 C temperature, greeted us. After breakfast, we took a brisk walk around Victoria Park, and even the locals were rugged up. Later, our son Stuart collected us from our B&B and I couldn't help but notice the golden glow of the dandelions poking their heads up everywhere. Since then, they have created cheerful carpets wherever I look.

The trees were leafless and stark to look at. Yet, they too have been bursting into bud and quickly unfurling their delicate, lustrous, light green leaves.

Victoria Park

On our first morning, I was thrilled each time I spotted an emerging flower or fern.

This lovely, bright flowering shrub must be the portent to spring, as it was well and truly in flower and in many gardens.

Day two - spring was just so evident.

Stuart's trees.

The trees several doors along.


Cornwall, where Stuart lives.

Tulips and a carpet of white and mauve violets!

Bonshaw Hills Provincial Park
At first glance, we thought this tree had succumbed to the winter winds. Look closely and you will discover as we did, new branches sprouting.

So tiny and delicate.

The trees outside our unit's back door were glowing in the 9 pm sunset light. 

The sunsets have been rather special too!

Spring has been wondrous, but the real magic is the overflowing joy of watching our Grandchildren running, laughing, exploring, touching and sharing this wonder with us.

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