During March, four of our group celebrate birthdays. Jayne was off on a cruise to NZ for hers. As a result she has another 5 days left in total home isolation. Anyone returning to Australia now, have to stay in isolation, in a designated hotel for 14 days. Too many people were not doing the right thing.
My bubbles and birthday cake were enjoyed on our Berrimba Wetlands walk, 2 weeks ago. On our outing to the Glasshouse Mountains last week, it was Margot's turn to blow out the candles. Alas, the 'candle' just didn't want to light but the bubbles were sparkling and refreshing.
The new term 'social distancing', had just come into use and we did our best to observe the distance. Here we are seen setting off on our circuit of Mt Tibrogargan. The mountain is very popular with climbers for the view, but many have to be rescued regularly.
We again marvelled at the 'green' throughout the walk.

The back of Mt Tibrogargan. Observe the path going up.
Sorry, not quite 'social distancing' when posing.
Nor this!
Getting better.
View to Mt Crooked Neck.
Mt Beerwah and Crooked Neck.
Mt Ngun Ngun, which we were to climb for sunset views.
It was a lovely trail to follow.
Every so often we could look up and see another aspect of Tibrogargan. This is an image from the Sunshine Coast Visitors Guide. The red dot is where we commenced our clockwise circumnavigation. This eastern face is a very familiar and popular tourist view. The highway heading north from Brisbane passes quite nearby.
Our view of the east face.
It was just a 15 min drive to Ngun Ngun. Our climb commenced at 4.30pm.
Previously the trail zig zagged gently up through this section. Alas, the new trail of steps was quite steep.
We were all feeling stressed by the climb at this point. A unaminous decision was made, that rather than put ourselves at risk to be at the top for sunset, we would descend and drive to the Mountain Lookout.
RHS - Ngun Ngun.
We were not disappointed with this view.
Closer view of Ngun Ngun.
The back of Tibrogargan.
The sunset colours were not spectacular, but the evening was balmy. Tranquility reigned as we enjoyed one another's company for the last time, quite posssibly for many months.
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