Immediately we stepped into the rainforest of the Palm Grove / Jenyns Circuit at 4pm, we felt the benefit of a lower temperature. This rainforest is filled with soaring piccabeen palms and dramatic buttressed yellow carabeen and strangler fig trees. On this occasion, I assume as a result of our Christmas / New Year storm activity, the understudy was quite clear, so our eyes were drawn to magnificent trees we hadn't been able to spot before. Our progress was slow as we tried to take in the breathtaking beauty of the living, and sadly the recently fallen old trees.
I usually can't help clicking away madly on our bush walks. Now that we find ourselves repeating our favourites, I have tried to keep my camera in my backpack and just enjoy the moment. By the end of the hike and seeing my friends pics, I wish I had done otherwise. Thankfully they don't mind sharing.
Each photographer will be acknowledged.
Halfway through the trail, there is a sneak view of the Gold Coast. The tall white buildings are our new university hospital, and to the right, the Commonwealth Games athletes village.
We walked passed these towers on our outing last week.

We were on a time schedule to be out of the forest by 6pm. We suddenly realised that the time had gotten away from us, with the result that our ascent out of the Grove was quite rushed and the beads of sweat became rivulets.
It was a short drive to our sunset viewing destination. It seemed inconceivable that within minutes of stepping out of the car, we would be grabbing for a light jacket to protect us from the cold of the afternoon mountain breeze. Heavy, threatening, foggy cloud was behind us as we organised our picnic. Thankfully the first drops didn't fall until 7.30 as we made our departure.
The view to the horizon of the Scenic rim, using my zoom - approx 60 km /40 miles.
The sun's rays spread across the valley as we relaxed with our nibbles and bubbles. - Jayne
My panorama.
Capturing this bird in flight was a sheer chance. I gasped as I clicked, having spotted its flight in the viewer. It had chosen the perfect moment to fly across our view.
Jocelyn's I-phone capture.
On arrival, we were the only visitors to this outlook. Within minutes others arrived to also enjoy the beauty and serenity of this wonderful viewpoint.
Jenny's Samsung capture.
Looking south-west to my favourite peak, Mt Lindsey.
My early childhood was spent on a farm an hour south. We made an annual winter trek passed Mt Lindsey, driving to Noosa on the Sunshine Coast, for 2 weeks of sun, sand and surf. It was always quite an expedition.
View north west.
Last light - time to pack up, but feeling quite elated with the joy of our afternoon out and about down under.