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Wednesday 4th March saw a return hike of Toohey Forest Park, Brisbane. Our numbers were 3 and we discovered an area of the forest that we hadn't previously hiked. We found lots of steps to get our hearts pumping. 12 kms were covered and we will return.
This blog however, records my visit with Frank on Monday, to my brother's farm, which sits high above the Coolmangar Creek, in the Nimbin Valley, halfway between Nimbin and Lismore. [NSW]
Our visit was long overdue and as the peace and beauty of the locality completely relaxed us, we wondered why it had taken us so long to return. Because of Frank's U3A commitments, our departure was delayed until midday. Add in daylight saving time and it was near 3pm before we were sitting on Ian's verandah with a strong cuppa, savouring the cool, rainy view down the valley to Mt Burrell and Mt Neville. Adding to the natural beauty were over 150 roses and countless other flowering shrubs.

The vista was constantly changing with the clouds swirling and swooping down the valleys. At one point, they took on the appearance of a bushfire.
The following morning, just after 5, I crept out onto the verandah hoping to catch a magnificent sunrise across the valley. What I experienced was many times better than a golden sunrise. The clouds were still low, birds were calling, cows mooing and raindrops clung to the grass and shrubs.
I decided I wanted to climb further up the hill behind the house, but I didn't want to disturb anyone. I grabbed my boots from near the front door and set off in my pj's. Not a good look, but noone was going to see me. It was exhilerating to be out and about.

Distant cloud covered Nimbin Rock.

Flowers of wild cotton and the cotton balls, plus an accidental caterpillar.
Pecans and pebbles.

Breakfast was organised by the time I returned. [almost a flat battery from all my snapping of pics]
Farm fresh mango, yoghurt and eggs with smoked salmon.
Feeling completely sated, we all set off to hike up to the highest point on the farm, Here a spring emerges from an underground water source. This provides water for both the animals and household use and has to be checked regularly.
By mid morning the skies were clearing and Nimbin Rock was looking mighty impressive.
Impressive, but not welcome was this skin hanging over the back door, left by a carpet snake several nights previously.
Our return journey was via Kyogle where I was born. On this occasion not a happy return, as my Uncle of 94 years is not well after a bad fall and memory loss and we wanted to spend some time with him. The journey via The Lions Road, following both Gradys and Running Creek did lift our spirits.
The Northern Rivers District is certainly one of the most beautiful areas of farmland and rainforest to be found 'down under'. As my Father always quoted, "Gods own country"
I hope you have enjoyed visiting some of The Northern Rivers District with me. I would love to read your comments.