I’ve been super busy the past few weeks with work, various projects, and organising for our trip
to Canada [Prince Edward Island] for our sons wedding on the 26 th July, to a very special lass whom he met in
Banff, She however, grew up on the
island, hence the wedding being held there.
I still managed ‘Wednesday walking’ with my friends
and now with 5 hours to kill at LA airport before our flight to New York, I decided to try a catch up.
The 11th of June saw us enjoying another Brisbane River walk. This time from New Farm Park to Newstead House and return via the old Gasworks and to what must be the best delicatessen in Brissie. A grey day, but awesome to be out and about and catching up on the history of this leg of the river, once an extremely busy port area, but now prime residential units in the converted wool store buildings.
As always, we didn't miss any opportunity to express our inner youth.
Just below the knoll that gives Newstead House its imposing position on the river, was an imaginative park with an Alice and Wonderland theme. Here we decided that our hiking was definitely helping us lose weight!!!
The following are wonderful shots inside of Newstead House taken by Laurel.
Downstairs accommodation
Upstairs living
Standing down under, on another great day out!
A week later, Wednesday the 25th, saw Margot missing from our crew, enduring skin cancer treatment. It was decided to visit for coffee and repeat the Uni to Corso trail previously hiked, so that we could then eat our packed lunch with her.
Hat throwing not because they have just graduated BUT because they are retired!!!
Again it was a beautiful winter’s day and again we totally agreed what a wonderful city we live in.
The following week, 18th June, saw us having an early coffee
in a slightly chilly, Queen’s Park, Ipswich. From there we visited the Tourist Centre to find an explicit trail map for the days little known
hike. A 15 minute drive south on the Warick Road had us turning
left onto a dirt road to Harding’s Paddock picnic area, the starting point for
our rather steep climb to Goolman Lookout. Only a 12 km hike, but a challenge
we enjoyed on this crisp, sunny winter’s day.. On our return we relaxed with another cuppa, enjoying the
peaceful sounds of the bush, beautiful reflections on the ponds surface and the
lush green grass of this area.
Resting in warm sunshine and sky watching through the shimmering gum leaves.
Hardings paddock
The following week another mountain called and we were again expecting steep climbs.
Margot and her friend Gail wanted to do 3 or 4 days through walking in further preparation for their Camino adventure in September. Not feeling 100% and the OS trip just 2 weeks away I decided to be sensible and so Jenny and I only joined them for 2 days. Laurel and her husband, met us at Binnaburra.
Accommodation was booked for Binnaburra Mountain Lodge, but on day one, we parked the car at O'Reillys, and packs on our backs set forth for the 25 km hike to Binnaburra. On day 4 Margot and Gail hiked back to the car.
It was a frosty morning and because the trail was mostly under the thick rainforest canopy, it took quite some time to discard our clothing layers. We were delighted to discover that the trail followed the ridge line of the Lamington Plateau so was in no way taxing. It varied from narrow, overgrown paths to smooth and quite wide. Sometimes damp, rocky or matted roots. There were large numbers of awesome ancient Antarctic beech and towering brush box trees. Not many view points but the position of Binnaburra Lodge made up for that.
We arrived just in time to witness a golden sunset and to join our friends in front of the welcoming log fire for a glass of wine and cheese before dinner. Hiking can be so tough!

The following morning Gail and Margot loaded their packs again for a 13 km morning hike and then joined us for the Caves guided walk at 3pm. Jenny Laurel and I organised our 3 hikes for the day, so that we didn't miss the delicious scones, jam and cream provided at morning tea.
Amazing Brushbox and valley views
Narrow path with steep drops down to the head water of Coomera River.
Being winter there were few wild flowers and next to no wildlife.
A mad dash up the last 100 metres was required after the caves hike, to catch the sunset spectacle. Later in the evening I snapped the crescent moon in a purple sky.
Our accommodation had a shared bathroom. Stepping out at 6am to pay it a visit I was quickly changing and grabbing the camera for these sunrise shots. Bliss!
At the end of another perfect day 'walking down under with friends' we vowed to return again next year.
Thank you for visiting. I would love to read your comment ,
to give me encouragement to
keep writing.