On Wednesday 9 April, we enjoyed a wonderful days walking in the area I lived in between 1960 and 1970.
It was a chance comment by my brother, who lives in North Queensland, that led to the discovery of these trails and consequently our visit.
I had great difficulty deciding on a title for this blog.
It could easily have been:- Awesome Fungi
Tunnel and Dam walks
or Reminiscing
The result is I've written a little [well?] about each.
Until my friends and I started our weekly bush walking, I was totally unaware of the variety and spectacular beauty of the fungi abounding in our forests.
New discoveries:-
At the age of 9, I moved with my family from near Kyogle NSW, to a milk dairy farm, 5 km's from the sleepy village of Mooloolah. It was an extremely hard life for my parents, waking at 4.30 am each day to have the milk ready for its collection at 7am. 4pm saw them back in the dairy and not surprisingly, asleep by 8.30pm. My 3 brothers and I had to help, [often with complaint] but our parents made sure that these were happy and memory making years for us. We attended the 2 teacher village school to complete our primary education and then daily took the 1/2 hour train journey to the enormous Nambour State High School.
View from near the river to the house /dairy RHS.

My sons have always lived in suburbia and even though we were fortunate enough to provide them with a leafy 1/2 acre to run around in, I always felt that they were missing out on that very special freedom of country life.
Climbing the mango tree, horse riding, swimming in the 'rocky hole' in the river, hide 'n seek in the corn and cane fields, exploring the bush near by, making small towns out of the wood pile blocks, floating the cut corn along the flooded drains to be chaffed for milking time, milking cows, playing with the chooks, bonfires in the backyard, starry skies above, spotting satellites, cricket and football in the backyard - without fear of a broken window and a community where you know everyone you meet. The list goes on.
Mooloolah is no longer that sleepy village, but thankfully it appears to have retained the village charm and friendliness. The school I attended is now a thriving community centre and the new school on 'farmland' outside of town, has 8 classes and 200 children enrolled.
On reaching Mooloolah via the old tunnel from Lansborough, we relaxed with coffee and then I just had to go exploring.

Nothing recognisable in the street now.

It is lovely to think it survived the sub division.
At the end of the bitumen road I was able to have a view across the fields towards the river.
We arrived at Lansborough and quickly found the 3 km trail via the old tunnel to Mooloolah.
Mooloolah is one of the few towns with a tunnel to enter and leave. The Dularcha Tunnel was built in 1891 and closed in 1932, when a new tunnel was built 350m away. Dularcha tunnel is now heritage listed.
A 10 km drive along the Tunnel Ridge Road, took us passed our old farm to Ewan Maddock Dam.
Mr Maddock was another wonderful gentleman I visited with my Mother. His family were pioneers of the area and he lived from 1873 - 1973. We left Mooloolah in 1969. Again I would like to find out more about his life. The dam was completed in 1982 and its waters cover the melaleuca marshes that I enjoyed riding my horse through.

It was 4pm when we set off for Brisbane, 17 km's achieved with 2 hours driving to follow, but we all agreed that 'walking down under' is difficult to beat.
I love having you along. Please leave a comment if you have enjoyed the read.